Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Lab 1 part 1

Jack the Ripper map

A)     I got the map from casebook.org.

B)      The map shows the points where jack the ripper killed his victims in 1888

C)      I find this map interesting because I can see where the victims were killed and see the exact place. I also find Serial Killer very interesting and how they do things.

D)      This map is the lower east end of Whitechapel, London in 1888. It uses points and labels to show where the victims were found. 
India 1700-1792
A)     I got this map from greatestbattles.iblogger.org.
B)      This map shows the different parts of the country are in different colors and everything is label. This map also has a very detailed legion.
C)      I love this map because it is very detailed and it reminds me of my friends because we would watch Bollywood movies.
D)     This map has different regions and each one has a different color so you can tell them apart. There is also a very detailed legion that explains everything on the map.
Wind Wolves persevere
A)     I got this map from thefluidruid.com.
B)      This is a map of California that shows the Wind Wolves persevere and the work site for the archaeological dig site.
C)      I like this map because I had spent five weeks out there camping on an archaeological dig at this location.
D)     This is a simple map with California and an oval that shows the dig site.   

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